Matt (4:50:16pm)
Driver Matt
Class Awd
Transponder 5516453
Session Time Date: November 9, 2024 (Saturday)
Start: 4:50:16pm
End: 5:00:17pm
Length of Session: 5:00
Num Laps 50
Fastest Lap 2.516
Top 3 Consec 7.922
Averages Avg: 5.928
Top 5: 2.566
Top 10: 2.611
Top 15: 2.653
Std Deviation: 19.118
Consistency: -222.493%
Valid Lap Range 2 to 5:00
(lap times outside of this range are maked as "invalid")
Lap Times
Lap 1: 4.729
Lap 2: 11.263
Lap 3: 3.371
Lap 4: 4.184
Lap 5: 3.253
Lap 6: 3.468
Lap 7: 2.928
Lap 8: 3.018
Lap 9: 2.794
Lap 10: 3.024
Lap 11: 2.776
Lap 12: 1.741*
Lap 13: 1.737*
Lap 14: 2.949
Lap 15: 3.493
Lap 16: 2.67
Lap 17: 2.833
Lap 18: 4.444
Lap 19: 3.118
Lap 20: 2.516
Lap 21: 3.416
Lap 22: 2.516
Lap 23: 3.895
Lap 24: 2.751
Lap 25: 2.955
Lap 26: 3.168
Lap 27: 2.68
Lap 28: 2.659
Lap 29: 2.963
Lap 30: 2.747
Lap 31: 3.493
Lap 32: 3.413
Lap 33: 2.969
Lap 34: 2.738
Lap 35: 2.792
Lap 36: 2.778
Lap 37: 2.798
Lap 38: 2.957
Lap 39: 2.627
Lap 40: 2.991
Lap 41: 3.569
Lap 42: 2.6
Lap 43: 2.63
Lap 44: 2.74
Lap 45: 2.71
Lap 46: 2.641
Lap 47: 2.571
Lap 48: 2.925
Lap 49: 2.863
Lap 50: 139.474
Lap 51: 2.757
Lap 52: 2.8
* indicates an invalid lap (not counted in stats)
Lap-by-Lap Graph
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